Customer Testimonials

J & D Food Services is a pleasure to work with. Their knowledge of the foodservice industry and especially the Asian QSR market is a true strength. The staff at J & D are easily accessible and we have very good lines of communication which is very important when dealing with costing, inventory levels, promotions etc. I would say that understanding the customer is J & D Food Service’s strength. They know their customers work very hard and work long hours and they understand the importance of being a reliable distributor. J & D helps make business a lot easier.


We have been a customer of J & D for the last 22 years, and we have been very happy with their service. Daily operation of a restaurant can be hectic at times, but everyone at J&D, from salesperson to driver, is always friendly, helpful, and understanding. J&D has helped us grow over the years, and we thank them everyday for being our business partner.

The Quons at the Lingnan

In over 10 years of partnership with J&D, I can say with confidence that they are one of the best foodservice providers around. They have done a great job in terms of on-time deliveries, consistent quality product, and, most importantly, ability to respond to emergency situations.

David and Cecilia Vu, Hoang Long Restaurants